Having the camera as the customer seemed like a good idea in theory but it turned out to be a lot harder then I originally thought, not to speak about my failure to realistic camera movement but the fact that I had to hand a cup to the customer, we didn't have time to model a custom character for this so I had to use the Edgar model again with a different skin. 

I had Edgar focusing in the centre of the shot true the entire scene but I had to put it to the side because I had hidden the head of the replica Edgar and this was the only way to avoid showing the missing parts of the model.
But when the camera falls to the floor I snapped straight back into the original view without noticing myself, I only saw it after the movie was rendered.
So what have i learned? storyboarding is important, I think I should have worked more on the storyboards and maybe polished the animatic more to have a clearer plan for where the shot to go.

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