After playing a bit with own rig I ditched it and went back to the one I was using before, since mine wasn't really all that good. Then in my frustration to the fact that nothing worked I put up a forum post on 3d total to see if someone could help me out.
"Me: Greeting I have question I hope one of you can help me with. How do you animate a link in 3Ds Max 9?

As in if I want to move a ball from one hand to the other. I found one way of doing this but the first object I linked it to kept affecting it even when the next object where supposed to have taken over control.

Made a crude video to try and show my problem and try to give the impression of what I am trying to achieve.

If someone can help me out I would be extremely grateful.

Nice guy: The best option for this kind of animation is the POSITION CONSTRAINT and not the LINK CONSTRAINT.
Because you can animate the weight of the link.
Tip: Use three dummys to link the sphere. 2 dummys in each hands (direct link) and one for free moves."

Couldn't figure out how to use the dummies like he told me to but I finally found a way to do it using replicas of the sphere I was lifting
I still had problems making it look good since this rig is hard to use but I ended up using page 267 of "The Animators Survival Kit" as reference, and this is what I will use as my final result.
11/25/2009 07:02:05 pm

I really wish the camera had been angled a little from the side.
I can see that the back of the char arcs but considering the angle I can't really comment on it.

As for general weighting, I get the feeling it could do with some more consistency, the early animation immediately after the sphere is lifted gives the illusion that it's fairly heavy, but the following animation starting about when the char starts to lift it from the pelvis area gives me the feeling the sphere is suddenly far lighter.

I'm not sure what more I feel confident in commenting on with just that angle to judge from.

I know the problem you had with the link constraint all too well though, it's been the bane of some of my work before.

Final comments.
Not the best but not bad, as with all Animation work there is room for improvement.

Your fellow student

12/2/2009 02:09:50 pm

Thank you for the input ^^.


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